Wednesday, 7 September 2016

The Effects of Parental Divorce on Marital Commitment and Confidence

It’s also possible that when going into marriage themselves, adults whose parents divorced have less personal relationship commitment to their own marriages and less confidence in their own abilities to maintain a happy home with their spouse. Children from divorced homes
suffer academically. They experience high level of behavioral problems. Kids whose parents divorced substantially more likely to be incarcerated for committing a crime as a juvenile. Teens from divorced homes are much more likely to engage in illicit acts such as drugs and alcohol use as well as sexual intercourse and most likely are bound to experience frequent illness, lasting scars till adulthood.
A second marriage brings complications and the new emotions for the children not to mention new step-siblings, step-parents and step-grandparents who often are in competition for the parents’ attention and adjustment is difficult.

Divorce is no small thing to children. It’s the violent ripping apart of their parents, a loss of stability and often a complete shock. While it might seem like a solution to you, it’s not an easy way out for you and your kids. It would really be nice if parents can at least work things through if not for themselves then for the children. These children don’t deserve emotional torture from school teachers and classmates and now the HOME!!! *till death do us part* was the deal, why not stick to it and be a role model to your children. 

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