Saturday, 29 July 2017

The Abuse Victim

The Abuse Victim

In domestic abuse there are so many myths and preconceptions surrounding abuse victims, and we, as domestic violence victims ourselves are often just as confused as those family, friends and professionals looking in from the outside.
Abuse Victim Characteristics

Although there is no specific ‘type’ of person who is more likely to be abused, there are abuse victim characteristics which people in an abusive relationship tend to have in common or display. These can include:

*Low self esteem
*Emotional and economic dependency
*Continued faith and hope abuser will "grow up"
*Stress disorders and/or psychosomatic complaints
*Accepts blame and guilt for violence or abuse
*Socially isolated, e.g avoids social interaction, never seems to be alone
*Believes social myths about battering
*Believes in stereotypical gender roles
*Has poor self image
*Contemplates or attempts suicide, or self-harms
*Participation in pecking-order battering
*Appears nervous or anxious
*May defend any criticism of abuser
*May have repeatedly left, or considered leaving the relationship

Although the above list is not exhaustive and may not always indicate an abusive relationship, many abuse victims show many of these behaviors and attitudes or change in some other, subtle way.
Another of the abuse victim characteristics is suffering from what is called traumatic bonding, where, to put it very briefly, a very strong emotional bond is built up which increases the more trauma is experiences. This is why so many abuse victims feel that they really really love their abuser - they are mistaking traumatic bonding with love.
If you recognize the above abuse victim characteristics in yourself, a family member or a friend, please consider calling for help or help them yourself.

Send us your personal story or an experience. If you wish to be anonymous you can state it there.
Twitter: @laaju_com
Facebook: okebola olamide 

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