Sunday, 16 October 2016
An open letter to her Abuser...Anon.
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
The other side of the wall
There was a young woman who took great pride in the growth and care of the flowers in her flower garden. She had been raised by her grandmother who taught her to love and care for flowers as she herself had done. So, like her grandmother, her flower garden was second to none.
One day while looking through a flower catalog she often ordered from, a picture of a plant immediately caught her eye. She had never seen blooms on a flower like that before. “I have to have it,” she said to herself, and she immediately ordered it.
Faith's Domestic Abuse Story!!!
She wishes her name to be mentioned, thread carefully. She's a survivor!!!
Faith's domestic abuse story follows Faith's journey from innocent 19 year old with dreams and aspirations, to a life of domestic abuse, including not just emotional, verbal and financial abuse, but also sexual abuse - and finally freedom from her domestic abuse story:
To describe the words 'hurt' and 'betrayed' is beyond what I endured, beyond what any victim of abuse endures.
I thought I had met the man of my dreams; he seemed perfect, but now that I am no longer with him. I see that there were red flags from the day one, but I chose to brush the domestic abuse signs aside, biggest mistake ever.
Signs of a Domestic Abuser
If we can recognize the warning signs of a domestic abuser, or someone who is likely to have an abusive personality, we can save ourselves (and our loved ones) a lot of grief and heartache. Many survivors of abusive relationships have so often said that if they had just known the warning signs, they would never have got involved with their abusive partner. But they knew. They saw the signs but they refused to look into it as expected, brushing it off as something normal or a phase we have to pass through which is so wrong.
Domestic Abuse!!!
This is what we experience daily. It's a norm to see partners being abused in several ways which can turn out worse. Some people do not see a problem with domestic abuse because they feel it's normal to discipline their partners which they have no idea that is very wrong most especially if it affects them physically. Domestic abuse can be triggered by so many factors. Some are driven to act unjustly just because they can't control themselves. While some actually act unjustly because they derive pleasure when their partner or family member are in pain. That sounds weird you know, but really there are a lot of sick people out there.
Saturday, 1 October 2016
A Domestic Abuse Story!!!
I met my husband when I was 16 and had little experience with men before. After two weeks, he questioned me about my past and I truthfully told him I had only been to the movies with a couple of boys. He refused to accept it and told me what I had done with them, although it wasn't true. He forced me to sit in his car in the hot sun crying and begging while he demanded I admit to his theories. I only told the truth which was that I'd held hands with them and kissed. He flew into a rage and wanted me to justify to him why I let them do it to me, despite the fact that I never knew him then.
Nigeria at 56!!!
Nigeria at 56.... Wooooow!!! Nigeria is 56 and what should I do...jump off 3rd mainland bridge??? Oh pls!!!
My dear country is 56 and what do i get for being a loyal citizen? rise of the naira, terrorism and some pesky old fools gallivanting around with misplaced priorities, lack of focus, common sense and empathy as leaders!!! I'm hurt.... I'm hurt to the bones! I remember when Mr Olawunmi gave us an assignment with the topic *which way Nigeria*. I remember every sentence that was written had the *F* word in it and you know what? I actually passed the assignment. Maybe he just wanted to see us express our anger in words which I did very well.
Honestly I'm tired of being a Nigerian. I'm tired we are so backwards in everything (we think we are moving forward... Nope). I'm tired that I see the same leaders on the seat of power every single day, year after year. I'm tired that we Nigerians are dumb enough to elect these shitty people. I'm tired we keep praying, talking, shouting, leaving our homes to protest holding placards with painful words. I'm tired we have to beg for something we should get freely without any form of violence. I'm tired some people have become so successful (legally and illegally) and are so comfortable in their homes while the rest of the country can suck on their titties and penises....SERIOUSLY!!! I'm tired the people at the bottom of the triangle have toil the soil more than Adam did just to get to the top and when they get there, they become comfortable and forget about those coming up just like they did. That's just pure evil and madness. Pardon my language, I really don't care.
Whenever I look at our leaders, I wonder if their kids actually discuss about the country's problem one on one with them. I wonder if they get little advice from their kids. I'm not sure they talk to their parents because what I see these days are just far from what we hoped for. Some are in power to frustrate the works of those that are willing to make a difference. Some are just there to destroy planned movements for selfish reasons. Some are there to join hands with our killers(local and's been happening for the last 56 years) just so they can depopulate us and use us for fried stew and money rituals...SERIOUSLY!!! Is that why you have the power? Is that your reason for being elected on the seat of power? Is that why? Have our leaders actually sat and just think for a minute if they are doing the right thing? I don't think so. Real humans don't behave in such manners. They don't just sit and watch people suffer. They don't just sit and laugh down on the helpless ones. Leaders don't take joy in stealing what belongs to his followers(because everyone will benefit from it). Leaders don't run around Insulting their fellow leaders. Leaders think before they act even when pressured. Leaders don't feed their followers with lies(and use bigger lies to cover it up).
As a leader you are also a follower because you are on that damn seat to do our bidding. We put you there to work for us and if you think we don't have the power to get you out you have gotten it all wrong. It takes just a nanosecond for hell to let loose!!! Don't underestimate the power of the people. Heartless and inconsiderate in nature is what they have been tagged. When people say our leaders have no heart I smile. Yes!!...they have a heart and a functional one at that. They choose to ignore it out of self guilt, greediness, foolishness and stupidity. Can you just imagine men and women in their 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s behaving like children in their teens!!! How immature they are and still at the stage of crawling when they should be walking and running...damn!!! Some should actually be in their graves or better still at their retirement stage... But nope, they choose to hang on to the seats with fragile body and evil minds controlling and misusing the power they are given. Is that the right mind of an elder one or a political leader? Using their expensive pens to steal from the people.... Are you that hungry??? Why don't you eat your house and fences included!!! I don't even feel safe in my own country. If humans are eating their fellow humans in every manner possible, what else is left us that can't even stand the sight of a fish without a bowl of water.
You know what pisses me off the most? Someone somewhere will say let's kneel and pray for this country. Let's pray all the demons(meanwhile we are our demons) leave us. Let's pray!!! Seriously, at this stage we don't need any goddamned prayers... We need COMMON SENSE a WORKING BRAIN and a leader with a well functioning HEART and CONSCIENCE!!! if it where prayers we needed we would have gone far with the amount of pastors we have in Nigeria (the ones God called, the ones that went to theology schools and the ones that called themselves).
And the people, what are we doing eh? What are we doing? Please in the name of God don't elect these God forsaken bastards anymore. Don't act with just your heart, act with your soul, body, mind, intuition, knowledge, understanding and common sense!!! Haaaa...e don do Biko.... O ti to oooo...ejor!!! e shanu future generation!!!
If Nigeria's government has lost focus, some of us here still have our focus fully intact. You need us. nigeria should not be afraid to ask for help from it's people. Take us and let us turn this country around for good. Let us show you what we are really made of but on one condition and that's IF YOU HAVE THE HEART!!! *it's a challenge by the way and damn well, we are up to it*
Happy Independence day Nigeria!!! Sounds more like happy bondage day to me. *scoffs*
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Attention please.....Stomach Ulcer!!!
Some people out there really need this article more than i do. This is one sickness that has been overlooked for a very long time (i think because it's an internal thing). Well, i'm not proud of it that i do have stomach ulcer and i know what it really feels like. You know that feeling when you are about to drown but you are not drowning or you are just seated and thinking you will die one minute and another minute you are not dying anymore (it comes and goes as it wishes). The feeling can't be described sometimes. You just lay there numb and pathetic. Well, today is the day you have to read this article carefully and you might end up being a hero. and YES!!! ulcer patients are generally stubborn. They tell you they look well and fine and *NOT HUNGRY*....well, don't believe anything they say, do exactly what's right even if they are gonna hate you for it. (ulcer patients)...please eat even when you are not hungry and try having little rest in a while. Thank you!!!
What is a stomach ulcer?
Stomach ulcers are painful sores that can be found in the stomach lining or small intestine. Stomach ulcers are the most visible sign of peptic ulcer disease.
Riddle of the day!!!
A coconut
*sobs*....dirty minded freaks!!! it's not a c**t winks!!!
Today's Riddle
What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Friday, 16 September 2016
First thing you must know is that my house is 130 years old, and spent 110 of those years as a funeral home. It is the perfect picture of a creepy old haunted house. The basement is unfinished, with leaky pipes, cold jagged stone walls, and a dirt floor. The room that was the mortuary in the basement is the only one with wooden walls, but due to occasional flooding has rotted out. In the middle of this room is a single, metal, rusted chair that moves around occasionally and I can’t figure out how.
I decided when I was 16 that I wanted my own bedroom, so I moved into the attic apartment. I lived for for three months – tried to at least. The problem was a girl, dying of MS, hung herself in there in 1975. Every night when I tried to sleep, there she’s be, telling me to GET OUT. I’d try sleeping with the light on, but every night I’d have a night mare of her killing me.
In 5th grade, my parents left town and somehow wound up leaving me with the family of a kid from my school I only somewhat knew. I did know that this kid was somewhat crazy but friendly enough….
After school on Friday the adventure begins by him showing me that I’ll sleep on a couch in a family room. We do little kid stuff until his mother and father come home all upset. Some uncle in from out of town had just died that day on the couch I was to be sleeping on. His parents leave for some other relatives house to deal with the death,
Riddle of the Day
A seat belt.
some people's mind are just dirty...choi!!!
Today's Riddle
What is hard and hairy on the outside, soft and wet on the inside? The word begins with “c,” ends in “t,” and there’s a “u” and an “n” between them.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Jackets in ANKARA materials!!!
This is what I want you to know. Don't ever think you are doing yourself or your culture a favor by wearing ANKARA!!! This is who you are. This is what you should be proud of. If a meeting is called internationally and every other soul is on suit & tie, i want you to be on ANKARA!!! You might feel shy and if you are asked, tell them even if you have to create a scene "I'M AFRICAN".
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
oh NO!!!.....BLEEDING???
Photos from Sallah celebration!!!
Monday, 12 September 2016
In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?"
"Hold on a minute", Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test."
"Triple filter?"
Riddle of the day!!!
Everything (each word) in Jack's World must contain double letters.
honestly, how this is the answer I have no idea whatsoever.
What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Welcome To Dancefame TV Blog: BBA NIGERIA COMING SOON
Riddle of the day
The farmer takes the hen across first, and leaves her on the other bank. Next,
Changing your vision.
This should make you think deeply.
There was a very wealthy man who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted many physicians and was being treated by several. He did not stop consulting a galaxy of medical experts; he consumed heavy loads of drugs and underwent hundreds of injections. But the ache persisted with more vigor
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Riddle of the day
Friday, 9 September 2016
Child Labor
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Hard work. The Best Gift of My Mother
Submitted by Ram Sahadeo
Looking back I never thought at the time that we were poor. I always thought about trying to help those in the village that were poorer than we were. It was a sugar cane settlement housing workers that worked in the sugarcane fields. My mother, a cane cutter, had all thirteen of us well disciplined and by her care and dedication sent all of us to school. We the boys...all seven of us, six girls, will go to the cane fields to assist her to cut and bundle canes during